By Manish Pandeybbc newsbeat

CM Punk has made a dramatic return to WWE after a hiatus of almost a decade.
Fans roared after hearing their theme music at the Survivor Series event in the United States on Saturday night.
He initially left WWE in 2014 and has often spoken about his frustration over creative storylines and the lack of medical care towards them.
There was speculation that the 45-year-old would return after recently leaving rival wrestling company All Elite Wrestling (AEW).
But WWE Chief Content Officer Triple H said that CM Punk’s return to the show in his hometown of Chicago was a last-minute decision.
“It was one of those lightning-in-a-bottle moments that came too quickly, but we’re incredibly excited about it,” he said in a press conference after the show.
“It didn’t come to fruition until everyone stopped thinking it was going to happen, and then suddenly it started happening.”
triple h also referred to The fact is that CM Punk has frequently hinted that he will not return to WWE since leaving WWE over a decade ago.
Triple H said, “If you’re the same person you were 10 years ago and you are 10 years later, you’re screwed.”
“Everyone grows, everyone changes. And I’m a different person, he’s a different person, it’s a different company and we’re all at the same beginning.”

After leaving WWE in 2014, CM Punk – real name Phil Brooks – spent a short stint in mixed martial arts with the UFC.
He joined AEW in 2021, before leaving the company earlier this year following the All In pay-per-view event at Wembley Stadium.
Upon his shocking return to WWE, CM Punk did not wrestle a match or even enter the ring, but his presence was enough to send fans into a frenzy.
‘An exciting time’
Most people reacted with surprise on social media, with one fan writing that it was “the biggest pop in wrestling history”.
Joe Clarkson told BBC Newsbeat that CM Punk’s return was “a complete shock”.
He was in the wrestler’s last match for AEW and thought he would never see him in the industry again.
“I’ve never been so happy to be proven wrong,” the 22-year-old said.
“There are a lot of people in wrestling who can’t stand him, but there are a lot of people who love him.
“He’s always a conversation starter, a star of CM Punk’s caliber doesn’t come along very often.”

WWE fan Sabrina Nicole also told Newsbeat that CM Punk’s return means it is “an exciting time to be a wrestling fan”.
She was watching Survivor Series and said, “Listening to his music gave me chills”.
“I was definitely surprised to hear that at the end of the show.”
He is curious to see what happens next with him, possibly including a “feud with Seth Rollins”, who seemed unhappy upon his return.
“Honestly, it’s pretty surreal to see CM Punk back. I’ve always been a fan despite his ups and downs.”
Randy Orton, who made his return at Survivor Series after being out for over a year due to injury, was in the ring when CM Punk returned, with the pair smiling while Punk stood at the top of the ramp.
WWE star Cody Rhodes said: “If he can help with where we’re going and what we’re doing, he’s welcome.
“I think the CM Punk we’re getting is hungry and that’s for the best.”

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