Alexei Navalny, an enemy of Russian President Vladimir Putin and an official against corruption and a member of a majority opposition organization opposed to the Kremlin, has been jailed, reports say, for paid service. Tenia 47 years.
Navalny announced his retirement from federal service in a message explaining his background and experience. The ambulance requires Colonia Penitentiary which intends to provide resuscitation to Completa Condena.
“There is no positive result until you feel the need to regain your health. Before you can receive the treatment you deserve for the health benefits caused by an ambulance condition, you “You need to make sure what you’re doing is safe for your health.”
A notice about Navalny – a day before an election that Putin had spent more than a year campaigning for – to fuel new criticisms and outrage at the top of the Kremlin, you have to respond to today’s opinion on your payment .
EUU President, Joe Biden, several years ago Putin is “responsible” De la Muerte de Navalny.
“No answer, Putin is responsible for Navalny, Putin is responsible”, recalls the president of Casa Blanca, an ally of Labor del Activia, the President of Acrimo Crítico of Russia, and Queen Al Morir. service a day before 19 years Thank you for surviving more than a week in a prison.
In a 2021 prison sentence Navalny recuperated from Moscow in an Alemannia to maintain a neurotoxic stability for the Kremlin. Thus, three emotions derived from prison that respond to political motivations.
Navalny, sentenced to 19 years for extremism, took a day trip from a carousel in Vladimir, to a centro in Russia, a colonia penal action for the “Regimen Special” – El Nivel de Seguridad más Alto en el System. Penitentiario Russo – Part of the Polar Artico.
Before you made a decision about a bad situation and after you came late, I was given a lot of orders and handed over a net daily responsibility at the last minute.
“A system was devised to build Putin into a stronger position in Russia while he was in prison and in prison. Russia bears this responsibility”, Antony Blinken told his Secretary of State during a conference in Alemannia.
El Canceller Alemán Olaf Scholz Subrayo asked Navalny “probably another difficult question that makes me depart”.
The Kremlin’s viceroy told Dmitry Peskov that Putin had received information about Navalny. Looking for an alternative, Kira Yarmysh, on an
“Terrible information about Alexei Navalny (…) being held in a prison in Russia represents Putin’s terrible crime”, Tobias Billström told Sueko, an ex-minister of Asuntos Exteriors.
“La crueldad contra Navalny demuestra a vez más por que es necessario seguir luchando contra el autoritarismo”.
Bromas a day ago
Poco después de connoisseur la noticia de su muerte, el canal de la red social rusa SOTA Most political claims on a tribunal air. Se ve a Navalny de pie, riendo e intercambiando bromas con el juez por enlace de video.
In a pantsala of television, Navalny, vestido con el uniform negro de la prison, miraba a traves de a ventana enrejada, riendo y bromendo sober el egotamiento de sus fondos y el salaryrio del juez.
Navalny paresia estar bien y alegre cuando testifico por videoconference el jueves. You have everything you need to complete all the tasks of the tribunal that disarms Las Bromas.
“Su Señoria, you have a big salary for my private service, using my salary as a ‘calendar’ for the federal service, I need this opportunity in my daily life”, he said.
duro regimen carcellario
On the punitive order of Kharap, a location in the Yamalo-Nenets region, an area 1.900 kilometers (1.200 mi) north of Moscow, other objectives were considered to force Navalny to remain silent.
This remote area is known for its son Largos and Duros Inviernos. From Carboniferous to the Centros Penitentiarios of Sovietica, part of the Gulag system, about 100 kilometers (60 mi) from Vorkuta.
Nobel de la Paz’s regular Russia and director of the Premio, Dmitry Muratov, according to Reuters, was considering Navalny’s demise an “assassinato”, and that he was “motivated to fail our comrades”. Had to do.
“Take seriously the conditions of detention for Navalny (…) Su sentencia fu complementada con asesinato”, Sostvo Muratov.
(Related information from Reuters and AP)
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