Kansas City, Missouri, EUU (AP) – April Coleman Let’s en otro evento massivo.
A Mitten in honor of Los Chiefs of Kansas City, Campeones of the Super Bowl, Fue trastocado do groups de Personas Comenzarón a unequal entre si, Quesando la muerte de una madre de dos hijos y heridas a unas dos docenas de Personas Más, La Mitad 16 Alas Menorus at the age of .
Coleman believes that not once did he have to go to his father, he humiliated San Patricio once again.
“No quiero vivir my vida con miedo”, she said. “Todavia quiero salir y divertirme con gente buena”.
Esta vez, las cosas se mantuvieron en calma bajo una fuerte presencia policial. Alayna González, Portavoz de la Policia, indico que solo dos personas fueron arresteddas, embas por delitos no violentos.
Erin Gabbert, organizer of the Desfile, who wanted a multitude paresia ser algo menor este año, but it was clear that he had already met his father shortly before, oa ce el clima fresco y vento la mantenia alejada.
A carroza arastrada por un camión traia un cartel en el Frente que desia: “Kansas City Fuerte”.
Los Organizers del Desfile y la Policia fueron Diligentes con la Seguridad. Gonzalez said we have 400 agents. Uniformed uniforms of the large Ruta of Desfiles, vestidos in multitudes of civil mezclados, en la que predominaba el color verde. Other agents are inspecting at a faster pace. Police protection of the area by a helicopter.
Despite the ban, the restrictions that were put in place during the Super Bowl demostro existed and required a safeguard to prevent violence. 800 agents came together for the final event on February 14.
The police said that the personality of your group changed, but what you had in common as a group was a gustaba la forma en que el otro los Miraba. Lisa López Galván, 43, an individual radiofónica, lived through it all before it even took off.
Establish a one-year plan to house your colleagues established by San Patricio and plan a reunion to differentiate your personalities. Those visiting Niños must identify themselves if you have met your family. After getting information about a volunteer police officer, you can inform yourself.
Get information from O’Fallon, Missouri.
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